Tuesday, July 16, 2019

July 2019 hikes: Tom, Field, and Willey, Lincoln/Lafayette, Carrigain, Tripyramids, Carter Dome

Trish (Mom) here -- Sage made videos of all her hikes this month, but then ran out of time in terms of posting the links to her blog.  She is now at camp (CTY Carlisle) and has asked me to post them to her blog for her.  So here you go.  :)

(Mom still here) I see that Sage didn't have time to post her Carrigain video or her Carter Dome video -- I will post some photos of both hikes here so she has a record of her 4K July peaks.  Please remember folks, this blog (and Alex's) are for record-keeping purposes only.

Lincoln and Lafayette


Tom, Field, and Willey

Carter Dome, July 1, 2019:

Carrigain, July 9, 2019: